Naphill and Walter's Ash
Residents Association
The objectives of the Naphill & Walter’s Ash Residents Association (NAWARA) are:
(a) To provide a focus for action by the Residents in safeguarding the interests of Naphill and Walter’s Ash.
(b) To provide a channel of information on matters affecting the Residents.
(c) To promote an active interest in the two villages and their environment.
The Residents Association committee is elected at AGMs and consists of Hon. Chairman, Hon Vice Chairman, Hon Treasurer, Hon. Secretary and 8 further committee members. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month, except August, at Naphill Village Hall when local matters for action and matters of interest are discussed.
The Residents Association is funded through social activities such as dances and quizzes. Membership applies to all residents any of whom are welcome to attend Residents Association meetings, raise community matters, and apply to join the committee if they would like to serve the community in this way.
The Committee has an extensive knowledge and experience of the planning system and can advise on new planning applications. At each meeting the committee examines all planning applications for Naphill and Walter's Ash received by Wycombe District Council in the preceding month. When necessary it responds to the District Council with comments based on objective planning grounds and where appropriate, local concerns. Summaries of these planning applications and responses are published on this website when supplied by NAWARA. These are also available at : Planning Applications are also regularly printed in the Bucks Free Press.
The Residents Association organizes local Community Speedwatch with Thames Valley Police, and has representatives on the Village Hall Council, the Hughenden Neighborhood Action Group, and the Hughenden Street Association Steering Group.
Hon. Secretary: Melanie Penfold
Hon Chairman: Vacant
Hon Treasurer: John Russell