Bucks Family Info ServiceWho is BFIS? The Buckinghamshire Family Information Service (#BFIS) is a free service for both families and professionals. They can help you find Childcare, Children’s Centres and Things to Do through their extensive search directory, and any family information you may need. You can search their “What’s on” calendar for activities for all the family, including hundreds that are free or low cost (under £3). If you run activities or events locally, why not register with BFIS for free to feature them on their website. BFIS, run by Buckinghamshire County Council, is the main service which ensures that the Council meets its statutory duty to provide free, impartial support and advice, and information to families and young people. They also have extensive information for those with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND), which is known as the Local Offer. The Source editerial November 2016